Tuesday, 31 August 2010

why would someone want a particular stars autograph ?

i have friends that dont always understand my liking for autogrpahs or why i would want to do such a thing, well as i have mentioned before, for me its an interest that is also a talkign point and its the hope of getting an autograph of a person that may not be a legend at the moment but give it a few years they could go on to be a real hero to many.
so sometimes its worthwhile getting the autograph of the person that may not be the person everyone is screaming for at a premiere or a sporting event, it may be worthwhile getting the b list person who si not yet the susperstar.
so it was with interest i was reading an article about someones autograph and why anyone would want it. the full autograph article is here in the ny post.

this guy is levi johnston  - signing an autograph

so if you are not in the know, this guy went out with sarah palins daughter and got her pregnant, nto the biggest star, but hey he could get involved ina  huge scandal. if i was there would have gotten his autograph? you bet i would, why turn it down?

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